Things To Do In Yogyakarta Special District

Yogyakarta is a tourist spot that we visit in Indonesia it has thousands of attractions suitable for tourists who want to visit the place popular in Indonesia.
the Parangtritis beach is the famous tourist attractions in Yogyakarta, located 27 km south of the City and is easily reached by public transport, which operated until 17.00 or private vehicle. Afternoon toward sunset is the perfect time to visit this beautiful beach, due to the views of the sunset or Sunrise that is so wonderful for you. But when you arrive faster, does not hurt to ride to the Cliffs behind the beach is Gembirawati. From there we could see the whole area south of Parangtritis Beach, the sea, up to the limit of the horizon that can membuata you wonder while there.

2.Candi Prambanan  Hindu culture is a masterpiece from the 10th century. Its slender and soaring up to 47 meters makes its architectural beauty is tertandingiyang which means to demonstrate the triumph of Hinduism in Java. The temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, in the middle of the area that is now the Park was built.

Prambanan Temple has three main temples in the main page, namely Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The third Temple is the epitome of Trimurti in Hindu belief. The third Temple is facing East. Each of the main temple has a single accompanying Temple facing to the West, namely Nandini for Shiva, Angsa for Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition, there are 2 flank temples, Temple 4 kelir temples and 4 corner temples. Meanwhile, the second page has 224 temples.
Entering Shiva temple which is located in the middle and highest building, you will find 4 pieces. One main room contains Shiva statue, while 3 other rooms each containing a statue of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesh (son of Shiva). Statue of Durga is touted as a statue of Roro Jonggrang.
Well, there is still much more to be unearthed in Prambanan. You may not be enough, of course. If finally tired, you can relax in the garden around the temple while viewing – see the sights around the temple area browsing to get rid of your tired.

Yogya-Solo Highway Km 16, Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55571.

3. Is trading center in Malioboro Street, which is also part of an imaginary axis that connects the Parangtritis Beach, Panggung Krapyak, Yogyakarta Sultan Palace, Tugu, and Merapi volcano was once a hive as well as stage performances of the artists of Umbu Landu Paranggi Malioboro.

In Malioboro much desired merchandise ranging from beautiful accessories, unique handicrafts, batik classic, gold and precious stones to household appliances is available here.Yrga easily accessible starting from the highest circles to lower levels. For fan souvenirs, Malioboro is becoming cool hunting paradise. A variety of locally-made handicrafts such as batik, rattan ornament, silver, bamboo handicrafts, leather puppet, blangkon, miniature traditional vehicles, accessories, key chains can all be found easily. With color and shape that interests you for buying the cindramata as a gift or as a decoration or for your collection, and sold at a price that is easy to reach from the highest circles to lower levels.Although it is expensive you must be good at bargaining for price-becomes cheap. and many cheap hotels in malioboro area
the Yogyakarta Palace is the King of Yogyakarta, but the place is also the keeper of the flame of the Javanese culture. In this place you can learn and see firsthand how cultural remains preserved in the Middle rate of the development of the world. This is also the place of Javanese culture living museum in Yogyakarta.
The tourists can see the collection that is stored in a glass box in a variety of rooms ranging from ceramics and glassware, weapons, photographs and miniature replicas, to the various types of deorama and the process of making batik. In addition, tourists can enjoy the performing arts with the schedule below. The performances range from the traditional, golek, wayang kulit, and dancing.
Schedule daily performances at the Palace
• Monday – Tuesday: gamelan music (starting at 10: 00 a.m)
• Wednesday: Wayang golek menak (starting at 10: 00 a.m)
• Thursday: dance performance (starting at 10: 00 a.m)
• Friday: Javanese poetry (starting at 9: 00 am EDT)
• Saturday: Wayang kulit (starting at 09.30 BST)
• Sunday: Puppet people & dance performance (starting at 09.30 BST)
• Opening hours: 08.00-14.00 WIB
Entrance ticket:
• Tepas Kaprajuritan: US $ 3,000
• Tepas tourism: Rp. 5,000
• Permit a camera/video: USD 1,000.
And for information on other tourist attractions Tourist place.

Anhar Muflih

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